Protect Your Information System from External Intrusions and Secure Your Digital Identities
In terms of cybersecurity, CISOs have a common objective: to protect the information system and the informational assets under their responsibility. In an era where information is ubiquitous and interconnections are more numerous than ever, the task is complex! Especially since the pressure of cyberattacks has never been higher.
At the heart of the information system is a key link: the user. Optimal security management of the IS cannot be achieved without mastering user identities and their access rights to the IS.
A clear strategy for identity and access management (IAM) is an essential component of a cybersecurity policy adapted to the challenges of today’s world.
Master and Automate the Management of Your Digital Identities

Effectively managing all your users’ identities is a real challenge as the information system becomes more complex. The goal is to answer the question “Who has access to what?“
The first step in mastering all your identities is to consolidate user-related information within a central directory. Next, it’s essential to ensure that the IT access rights of information system users comply with the company’s cybersecurity policy. In fact, poor management of authorization can pose a serious threat and have severe consequences for a business.
Every individual accessing the company’s data must have an authorization level appropriate to their situation and responsibilities. User rights are not static. When a user joins, they receive access rights based on their initial duties, but as they evolve within the company (changes in role, position, function, etc.), their access rights and authorizations must be updated to avoid any risk of vulnerabilities.
Access control is essential to protect the IS against human factor-related malfunctions, fraudulent uses, and data loss or theft.
Strengthen and Adapt Access Security to Your IS

Today, access management cannot be limited to simply implementing a login/password system for all users. Within a cybersecurity strategy, it is essential to enhance authentication mechanisms and access control rules for your IS applications to eliminate the use of trivial passwords and adapt the required security level to the context.To apply and reinforce your cybersecurity policy, you must consider numerous parameters, such as the working environment, application sensitivity, usage context, user roles, and expected ergonomics, which involves accepting a combination of multiple criteria and different technologies.
Our comprehensive access management platform allows for various authentication methods and adapts security levels to the context while ensuring access control and traceability of all operations performed from any entry point. It also ensures the coherence of the cybersecurity policy.

Our Cybersecurity & IAM Software Offering

In the field of cybersecurity, Inetum Software supports its clients in their IAM strategy through the Ilex Identity & Access Management platform.
Regardless of your situation, we have a solution tailored to your cybersecurity posture and aligned to ANSSI recommendations.
This allows you to implement and evolve an IAM infrastructure using a pragmatic and iterative approach.
The Ilex IAM Platform: Sovereign Solutions Aligned with ANSSI Recommendations

Years of Experience
Local Authorities as Clients
Healthcare Institutions as Clients
Government Agencies as Clients