infrastructures routières


Digititalizing healthcare – a challenge for society

Digitalize the healthcare system to address the sector’s issues and meet the challenges of today and tomorrow In view of the major societal changes expected in the coming years – ageing of the population, increase in the number of dependent people, increase in chronic diseases, connecting patients to play an active role in their health, etc. – the healthcare sector is facing many structural challenges.

1 - Medical challenges

1 - Medical challenges

Preserve the autonomy of the elderly as well as equal access to care, take changes in medical demographics into account.

2 - Organisational challenges

2 - Organisational challenges

  • Develop homecare, care pathways and regional cooperation
  • Support movements of pooling and convergence of organizations

3 - Economic challenges

3 - Economic challenges

  • Reduce periods of hospitalization
  • Develop ambulatory care
  • Optimize medical time and organization of hospitals

4 - Regulatory challenges

4 - Regulatory challenges

  • Take into account the growing importance given to control and certification processes
  • Manage the growing impact of European regulations (GDPR, medical devices, etc.)

5 - Public health challenges

5 - Public health challenges

Implement a resilient health system, capable at all levels of its organization, to anticipate and respond to health crises.

A wide range of offers to address all levels of the healthcare ecosystem

In view of societal changes and the challenges of the healthcare system, Inetum aims to be a recognized player in the transformation of this sector.

1 – By addressing the different levels of ecosystem, in healthcare but also in social and medico-social fields :

  • The national level: ministries, national operators and healthcare agencies
  • The regional level: regional healthcare agencies and regional cooperation structures
  • The territorial level: territorial hospital groups and health territories
  • The institutional level: public and private hospitals

2 – By offering a full range of dedicated health services around Solutions and Services.

3 – By relying on all innovative technologies for the implementation of projects

4 – By being part of the dynamics of major national e-health projects

A technological approach and sectoral knowledge offered locally

Expertise and proximity – Inetum’s value proposition is based on 4 differentiating elements.

1 – Strong knowledge of the health sector both in its health component and in its social and medico-social component, addressing all levels of the ecosystem (national, regional, territorial and local)

2 – Ability to integrate the “Innovation” dimension in our solutions

3 – Ability to rely on centers of expertise while maintaining a proximity approach through a strong local presence


A comprehensive response to the needs of all healthcare stakeholders


  • Public and private healthcare organizations
  • Hospital information systems
  • Regulation of emergency calls
  • Clinical research
  • Medical & non-medical time management

Medico-social organizations and local authorities

  • Social welfare and user pathway
  • Disabled people’s pathway
  • Mother and child protection
  • Billing of establishments

Healthcare territories

  • Care pathway
  • Smart Health
  • Telemedicine
  • Regional platforms

    IT Excellence

    • Application services
    • Outsourcing
    • Cloud
    • Cybersecurity
    • Hosting of healthcare data


    • Utilisation des données
    • Chatbots
    • IoT
    • Intelligence artificielle
    • Social robotics

    Our Software


    An information system capable of managing the complete cycle of medication


    Your centralized catalogue of medicines and medical supplies


    Medical interface realtime application


    Analytical accounting Solution. Cost management.