GesCot : Analytical accounting Solution, Cost management
Why our cost management solution?
To be able to work simultaneously with economic and medical information. To prevent large organizations from segmenting their different activities into separate areas that function independently and these areas can share information. To be able to have an overview of all the organization.
Cost per patient
The objective of our analytical accounting solution is to show the cost per patient, detailed, personalized and individualized. It uses a Bottom-UP calculation method, such that most costs are charged directly to the patient. Provision of information on the clinical and economic classification of the patient (CMBD, GRD, Diagnoses, Procedures, Own Classifications…) that allows calculating the real cost of a specific patient.
Matrix calculation and organization.
Imputation by the method of simultaneous equations, capable to solve, without margin of error, cross imputations between cost centres. Possibility of having the joint vision of a complete health area, including Primary Care and Hospitalized Care.
Access to information
It offers an agile, dynamic, flexible and configurable reporting system, according to the needs and tastes of the user.
Analytical accounting Solution
Simultaneous work with economic and healthcare information.
Payroll information (HR – Personnel costs), Financial information (Operating costs), Asset management (Amortizations), Healthcare information (hospitalization, primary care, outpatient consultations, surgical area, day hospital, pharmacy, laboratories, radiology, Tests complementary…).
Concrete and easy-to-apply methodological base.
Incorporate costs (personnel, operations, others…), Cost distribution (personnel, operations, others …), Incorporation of allocation criteria for intermediate and auxiliary cost centers, Incorporation of activity of final cost centers (main ), Incorporate clinical-economic data and classification of patients. After this process we are in a position to calculate the patient cost after the imputation, and the rest of the costs by aggregation. Additionally, you can load economic income and analyze costs – income.
Complete set of lists and reports that allow various analyzes.
Personnel and operating costs passed on to patients, Costs grouped by vector, Costs generated by patients with the greatest weight in the organization, Costs grouped by specialty (Allegology, Pathological Anatomy, Anesthesia, Blood Bank, Cardiology, General Surgery, Dermatology, Digestive, Endocrinology…), costs per activity (For example: Nursing unit stay, Consultation costs, Surgical intervention costs, Emergency costs, Laboratory, Detailed patient…), Analysis of the costs of auxiliary cost centers and the cost assumed to other final cost centers…).
Cost management
Analytical accounting
Cost of each individualized Patient. Cost for Service, Cost of activities. Know and optimize the costs of the WHOLE organization, manage the budget, foreseeing the future capitative orientation, organize the centers and activities, share information and compare results and centers, incorporate proactive improvement mechanisms, turn the information system into the means and not the end, know the applicable rates (Income), sell spare capacity, inter-center and foreign billing.
Data mining
Given the way our solution works, it becomes a huge repository of data of a different nature (economic, healthcare, patient classification…) which allows applying advanced analysis tool to obtain answers related to the cost of the use of new treatments / medicines, compare the cost of using one or other treatments. Perform predictive and precetive analyzes.
Multiple deployment options
The solution is developed using Oracle tools, in relation to database management, as well as presentation of the solution. This facilitates the deployment on different architectures in the cloud, on-site (UNIX, Windows…)
The system makes it easy for us to work with different organizations, all within the context of a global organization. Each organization can work in a differentiated way, or use the certification tools available in the application to establish joint analyzes.
We can work simultaneously with different languages, it is the user who determines the language he wants to use when signing the application.