Press release

Inetum Software and Holy-Dis

Inetum Software and Holy-Dis are joining forces to create an offer that combines efficient time management and advanced planning tools

Release date : 06/13/2023

Inetum Software, the number 1 multi-business software vendor with 27 R&D centres and over 50 software solutions for Human Resources, Insurance, Finance, Public Sector and document management, is joining forces with Holy-Dis, a vendor and integrator of software for schedule optimisation, to offer a solution that combines the best of scheduling under constraints, and time management. The two players are thus creating a synergy between the strength of Inetum Software’s Chronotime Workplace and the efficacy of the Timesquare scheduling solution by Holy-Dis, aimed at organisations that need more agility and scalability in daily scheduling for their teams.

The new partnership is the result of a shared ambition to offer the market a unique advanced planning and time-management solution that meets the new HR and business challenges faced by companies of different sizes, from 2,000 to 100,000 employees. And regardless of the type of structure, size of the organisation, or number of employees concerned. This strategic alliance is based on the complementary nature of the two players’ respective business expertise and a shared vision, resolutely oriented towards customer, user, and employee satisfaction.

A solution that serves employees and increases organisations’ performance

The combination of Chronotime Workplace & Timesquare offers a new collaborative experience in time management and planning, enabling employees to develop their efficiency, autonomy and commitment, while respecting corporate rules and the need for productivity gains and a rapid, measurable return on investment.

Designed as a vector for internal satisfaction, this solution is intended to boost the value of an organization’s Human Resources departments, and act as a unifying element between teams. Chronotime Workplace & Timesquare streamlines administrative processes and saves time, enabling HR teams to concentrate on their core business – managing people. In addition to HR, Time and Activity Management (TAM) and Planning processes involve operational staff, and very often other core businesses too (Marketing, Finance, Supply Chain, etc.). It is therefore essential to understand the businesses and tasks. Deployed as a time-tracking and optimisation tool to respond to activity flows, this solution enables Operations to model and align each team’s forecast schedules with production and customer service quality requirements.

In an increasingly hybrid world, Chronotime Workplace & Timesquare meets the fundamental HRIS challenge of improving administrative and operational productivity to support business performance, and enabling employees to focus their working time on value-added actions that feed the impact of organizations on society.

The fully integrated, real-time solution is user-friendly and SaaS-ready and features a full-webservice architecture that facilitates integration into any information system, adapts to any IT strategy, and is accessible on all iOS and Android devices.

Dual expertise to cover market needs

The combination of a leading time-management solution and a leading scheduling solution is a real breakthrough for companies wishing to invest in the efficiency and fluidity of their human resources management. Chronotime Workplace & Timesquare occupies a new position in the market, as the complementary nature of Inetum Software and Holy-Dis means that it can cover a broader spectrum of companies than either of the two offerings alone, with functional coverage that is unrivalled in the market, and the ability to meet the needs of small and medium-sized businesses as well as large corporations:

  • Model your needs according to activity indicators and forecasts,
  • Plan your teams’ schedules to match your constraints,
  • Cover your needs with the right skills, in compliance with rules and equity,
  • Manage complexity (multi-regulation, international rollouts…),
  • Calculate all payroll variables without duplication,
  • Manage unplanned absences using employee search functions,
  • Enable employees to schedule their leave depending on rights and expressing their wishes (self-service).

Says Martin Hubert, Head of the Global Business Line Software at Inetum Software, “This new single platform goes to the core of organisations’ societal challenges, which are being renewed entirely with the implementation of the HRIS. Anticipating and planning everyone’s time, controlling and organizing time in the present, and putting time to good use are all high value-added challenges for companies in 2023. Holy-Dis and Inetum Software are committed to ensure a better integration of employees’ needs, and are making this solution a leverage of development to boost organisations’ attractiveness, regardless of structures. The configuration of the platform is accessible to all users in order to respect employees’ freedom and control of their life.”

As Holy-Dis CEO Bruno Delhaye puts it, “Everything, immediately, and seamlessly. That’s what many users in companies expect in terms of time management. And that is what the Timesquare & Chronotime Workplace project is about: combining the solutions and know-how of these two experts to offer a robust, hybrid and scalable solution. This unified solution is particularly attractive for companies that employee more than 2,000 people and that have high demands in terms of activity and time management as well as HR planning. Historically, Holy-Dis has always guaranteed its customers interoperability between its solutions and activity and time management functions (including those of its competitors). Alongside this technological and commercial partnership between Holy-Dis and Inetum Software, Chronotime Workplace has naturally joined the Timesquare marketplace.”

About Inetum Software:

Inetum Software is the leader in multi-industry software with 27 R&D centres and more than 50 software products in the fields of Human Resources, Insurance, Finance, Public Sector, and Document Management. With the industrialization of components from Inetum Software’s FabLabs (mobility, chatbots, RPA, Flex Office and more), its business expertise and its technological upgrades (Move-to-Cloud), innovation is the main driving force in the development of its solutions.

About Inetum Software, Positive digital flow

Inetum Software is an agile IT services company that provides digital services and solutions, and a global group that helps companies and institutions to get the most out of digital flow. In a context of perpetual movement, where needs and usages are constantly being reinvented, the Inetum Software group is committed towards all these players to innovate, continue to adapt, and stay ahead.  In a context of perpetual movement, where needs and usages are constantly being reinvented, the Inetum Software group is committed towards all these players to innovate, continue to adapt, and stay ahead. With its multi-expert profile, Inetum Software offers its clients a unique combination of proximity, a sectoral organisation, and solutions of industrial quality. Present in more  than 27 countries, the Group has nearly 27,000 employees and generated revenues of EUR 2.4 billion in 2022.

About Holy-Dis:

Holy-Dis is the publisher and integrator of Timesquare, a SaaS solution dedicated to activity forecasting and modeling, schedule and team planning, and time management. Particularly suited to sectors for which the daily alignment of staff and activity flows is critical (stores and e-stores, customer relationships and helpdesk, leisure and catering, logistics, services for companies and people…) and with Social Planning functions, the solution places the employee at the centre of the Workforce Management system. Flexibility is about choosing your constraints. Holy-Dis also stands for 35 years of experience and 65 employees who apply their expertise to schedule-management challenges at 5,000 customer locations in 50 countries. In 2022, Holy-Dis announced revenues of EUR 8 million.


Press Relations

Marion Latapy
Chief Communication Officer – Inetum Software
+33(0)660135071 /