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Inetum Software has been supporting the Departmental council of de la Mayenne (CD53) for 18 years. This long-standing relationship began with the adoption of Astre GF by the department’s Finance Department. The implementation of this innovative financial management solution coincided with the transition, on January 1, 2004, from M51 to M52, the new nomenclature for the budgetary and accounting instruction of the departments at the time. “We needed a tool other than the one we had at our disposal to make the transition to M52,” recalled Didier Marteau, Deputy General Manager of the department’s General Administration Department, who was also in charge of the Finance Department : “Astre GF was up against some serious contenders, but Inetum Software was the obvious choice, as it was unanimously supported by the finance team.”

The projet

eiiidinIn 2006, under the impetus of then president jean arthuis, cd53 became a national laboratory for the lolf. The deployment of a new form of governance, induced by an organic law implies the configuration  of a new political segmentation and new provisions for local authorities and the departmental assembly. in order to align the administrative organization with the political organization, “we had to review all the credit lines and assign them to projects, programs and actions, and Astre GF made it easy, Didier MARTEAU.

A global solution appreciated for its flexibility

This forward-thinking approach has paid off, attracting interest from other local authorities. “Between 2007 and 2009, we received many delegations who wanted to understand what we had been able to do with this tool”, said our contact. “This type of segmentation was very popular at the time. This segmentation has evolved over the years (notably through the reduction in the number of assignments and programs), but the basic principles will still be valid for the CD53 in 2021.”

Astre GF is particularly valued for its flexibility. The solution enables the budget to be presented to the Prefecture by function (a requirement for major accounts) or by nature (a model favored by the County Council). In addition, Astre GF’s reporting tools provide a third key to reading the budget through strategic policy segmentation. “This reporting tool enables us to break down our budget without difficulty, and to present it in the form of a new function that corresponds to the departmental policies that the Assembly wishes to implement”, Didier Marteau.

The “full demat” project

At the same time, in the early 2010s, the CD53 embarked on a project to dematerialize accounting flows by implementing the PES (standard exchange protocol). Here again, Astre GF’s configuration capabilities enabled the project to be completed successfully, and was even delivered ahead of schedule. “The target date was January 1, 2019, and we met this challenge in the fall of 2018, bearing in mind that some major accounts in the region had to wait until spring 2019, or even autumn, to do so,” Didier Marteau.
“That just goes to show how much work this required, particularly for the in-house teams, so as to properly configure all the elements in Astre GF.”

The benefits of this “full demat” approach can be seen in the re-qualification of our accounting staff. “Thanks to modern, dematerialized tools, with a fully integrated signature, we have gone from 130 people who were involved in accounting in one way or another a few years ago, to 40 people today who are truly experts and have benefited from a net improvement rating in their jobs”, assures the manager.

GECCO, Inetum Software’s collaborative platform for the dematerialization of digital files, has also crept into the dematerialization project for signing documents. “It’s a tool that works very well in a very decentralized way, with multiple signatories, and which has a rather exemplary value within the company”, assured the deputy general manager. However, internal electronic signatures persist, and the CD53 now wishes to unify all signatures with a single tool. “We’re going to put out a call for tenders and hope that Inetum Software will apply,” said Didier Marteau.

18 years

Inetum’s support for the Department of Mayenne

1 year

Time needed to adapt accounting to M57


The next regulatory deadline for certification of accounts


For the time being, it’s the adoption of the CFU (Unique Financial Account) that is preoccupying the person in charge. By 2024, the CFU will replace the management and administrative accounts. The CD53 has been working on its implementation for 3 years, notably within the national working group in which its Finance Director participates. While the road to the CFU is still long, one important step has already been successfully completed: the switch to M57 (the successor to M52). “To move to CFU you have to use M57,” confirmed Didier Marteau. “These projects are linked, and we’ve built on our momentum from the M57 to work on the CFU.”

In place since January 1, 2021, the transition to the new M57 accounting framework was orchestrated from the end of 2019. In particular, Inetum Software teams contributed their expertise on the transposition of the accounting inventory. “We worked closely with Inetum Software on these issues throughout 2020, to ensure that the tool we were going to transpose to was properly configured and would not cause any difficulties during implementation”, said our contact, adding that “everything went very smoothly”.

Astre GF as an example for internal subjects

The Mayenne finance department is also looking ahead to another project: the attestation of accounting reliability. This is an intermediary step towards the certification of accounts applicable in 2024, like the CFU. Expected on January 1, 2022, “the certification will enable us to acquire a certain number of essential reflexes to have when we go through certification”, emphasized the Executive Vice President.

Preparing for accounting certification, leading the way on CFU, successfully switching to M57… CD53 is a department that likes to experiment. “Working on these subjects gives us a head start. Not just for the sake of being first, but for the satisfaction of having successfully met a number of challenges.” Challenges that Inetum Software’s teams have been carefully supporting for almost two decades, to the great satisfaction of CD53’s General Management. “The functional and technical work we carry out on the financial side, notably with Astre GF, often serves as an example to me internally on other subjects”, Didier Marteau, who concluded : “The long-standing relationship with the Inetum Software teams is exactly what we want. It keeps us both moving in the right direction.

“Astre GF was up against some serious contenders, but Inetum Software was the obvious choice, as it was unanimously supported by the finance team.”


Didier Marteau

Deputy General Manager, Département de La Mayenne