

Mira : Medical interface realtime application 

A single universal tool designed specifically for the daily work of healthcare professionals in the European healthcare environment – a collaborative environment for clinicians designed for innovative healthcare organizations where the main objective is to provide them with necessary support so that they may concentrate on their core competency which is the treatment of patients.

A collaborative platform provides a single point where all relevant information is shared in real time, and patient care is managed across all the departments for a successful response to patient needs – from Clinical order, clinical order management, electronic medical record, Computerized physician order entry (CPOE) to medical prescription and administration of drugs, including a nursing care station for nursing care management plans and nursing care manager requests.

Interconnectable with any healthcare information system (HIS) using European communication standards (HL7, DICOM, SNOMED…).

It also comes with a mobile solution (miRa mobile) with real-time access to relevant information, helping organizations to increase staff and patient satisfaction, and overall increase security and reduce medical errors, average length of stay, waiting time, deviations from protocols, etc.

Considerable effort has been put into optimizing the user experience, ergonomics, and above all, the security of information processing.

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To this end, the number of screens that the user needs for their daily use has been reduced to one. Data can be collected and viewed in the same space, using the same tool that is adapted to to the needs of each particular professional, and that integrates information from heterogeneous sources – radiological image analysis results, centralized medical records, etc. The focus is on the user and not on processes or types of patients. A single point of access allows the user to view their plan of care work at a glance – outside consultations, hospitalization, day hospital, emergency room, operating theatres, etc.

Information is collected in a way that ensures the continuity of patient care. A system that will brighten healthcare professionals’ view of administrative tools as being inaccessible to the non-administrative mind, with stacks of compartmentalized information – here everything is available in one place.  

The miRa platform collects and displays all information provided at patient level – pharmacological and non-pharmacological – on the same screen: prescriptions, requests for tests, interventions, treatments, consultations, intake, interdepartmental consultations, and nursing tasks.

miRa includes the prescription and dispensing of drugs to minimize the risk of medical errors and increase the quality of care. Another innovative feature of miRa is that it gives clinicians the possibility to validate a drug prescription that was given through an approved international organization (THEROSIMED, VIDAL, etc.).

The powerful availability and traceablity features of miRa dramatically improve the quality not only of the service provide, but also of decisions that are made.

Combined with the mobile solutions of the platform, these features help organizations to provide quality services while curbing costs.

Last but equally important, is the fact this is not a solution tailoired to one customer, but a universal tool designed to incorporate several functionalities and technical features to guarantee the development and continuity of miRa.

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Why choose miRa?

Focus on the patient

  • Fast, direct access to the patient’s medical record with information from all levels of care improves clinical practice and reduces variability and associated costs.
  • Optimizes the organization’s resources, especially human – healthcare workers do their job, and the system automatically generates a clinical history.
  • The single pharmaceutical prescription between different levels of care drastically reduces exacerbations caused by medication issues.
  • Significantly reduces the time needed to obtain relevant information: instant and real-time view of the situation of patients and the entire organization.
  • The automation of repetitive tasks eliminates transcription errors and substantially reduces the administrative tasks for healthcare personnel.
  • Improves the quality of healthcare and facilitates diagnoses and decision-making, by having more complete information on the patient.
  • Reduces the average stay, as doctors receive test results as soon as the tests are completed. The system also prevents the repeating of tests that have been done recently, and for which the results would still be valid and available in the system.
  • Improves the management of healthcare facilities and reduces the inappropriate and ineffective use of resources – duplicate tests, waiting lists due to citation failures, etc. In short, a better use of available resources.
  • Improves the quality perceived by the patient.

A single, universal tool designed for daily tasks

miRa is a new approach to information systems in the healthcare environment that provides full integration. Its technological architecture is supported by a three-layer software model. Systems based on miRa are highly scalable, portable and adaptable in terms of access channels.

With miRa, Inetum positions its products among the most advanced consolidated technology, providing clients with technological progress that in other circumstances could have been prohibitive.

  • Creation, modification and validation of anamnesis.
  • Management of general patient information:
    • Current illness
    • Toxic habits
    • Physiological habits
    • Family history (allows the generation of genograms)
    • Work history
    • Pathological antecedents
    • Usual drug treatment
    • Physical exploration
    • Registry of complementary examinations
    • Diagnostic orientation
    • Therapeutic plan
  • Collection and management of active patient problems
  • Collection of the different clinical courses of the patient
  • Presentation of daily patient information through the Patient Diary
  • Consultation of tests and test results requested from the patient
  • Complete management of pharmacological prescriptions
  • Record of the administration of the prescribed medication to the patient
  • Prescription of nursing tasks
  • Management of the performance and collection of the values ​​of nursing tasks
  • Graph of the collected constants
  • Consultation of scheduled activities for a patient, through the patient’s agenda
  • Consultation of the clinical coding linked to a patient, both for the current episode and at the patient level
  • Consultation of the patient’s nursing scales and records
  • Management of nursing care plans (NANDA-NOC-NIC), both standard (Virginia Henderson, Nancy Roper, etc.) and individual from the centre itself

From the interconnectivity point of view, mIrA ensures interoperability between third-party systems, incorporating the most widespread connectivity standards on the market: XML, HL7, DICOM, SNMP and UNE.

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