The MDPH (Departmental centers for the Disabled) were set up under the 2005 law to provide a one-stop shop for all disability-related procedures.
MDPH59, (the MDPH of the Nord department), manages 280,000 people affected by disability (11% of the department’s 2.6 million inhabitants). Organized into five distinct sectors, MDPH59 currently employs 280 agents who handle around 280,000 active files per year, a constantly growing file (+4% in 2019)
The project
With thousands of backlogged files, the start-up of MDPH59 in 2007 was fraught with difficulties. “Any modernization/digitization system is bound to be subject to adjustments during the launch phase,” Bruno Lombardo, Director of Access to Autonomy and MDPH59.
The first user portal was installed in 2012. Over the years, the latter had to be adjusted to new user needs and integrated into the directives of the RGPD (European Data Protection Regulation), which had come into force in May 2018.
While the new platform was being put in place, MDPH59 experienced a period without a portal, resulting in a tsunami of telephone calls and mass user visits to the department’s sites.
The Public CRM-Iodas solution
In December 2019, the new portal went live. It was built with Public CRM-Iodas, the digital solution from Inetum Software that combines management of relations with the administration and processing of welfare aid files.
The new portal offered the following functionalities: tracking, file opening and online forms. These functions are enhanced on a monthly basis.
The portal has already proved its effectiveness, particularly in the context of the health crisis that the country had experienced. “During the period of lockdown, the portal enabled us to keep in touch with users,” said the director. “There was no avalanche of telephone calls, even though we were no longer able to receive people physically on site. It’s significant that the portal had partly compensated for this during this period.”
This initiative completed the dematerialization of documents introduced in 2014, with the fine-tuned integration of IODAS and GED, thanks to which almost 80% of MDPH59’s agents have been able to work from home. “Our MDPH functioned at almost 100% during the lockdown. We made it a point of honor to do so,” explained our contact.
A new operating mode
Beyond the initial feedback, the deployment of Public CRM-Iodas, jointly built with 8 local authorities and piloted in the Nord region, has above all allowed the inauguration, for MDPH59, a new operating mode between Inetum Software and the social establishment’s business engineers. “The joint-build of a complete set of specifications resulted in a highly ambitious portal projection. The result is just as we expected,” explained the manager. “It’s no longer a question of saying ‘I want such and such a tool’ and leaving it to specialists who will create a solution around which the teams will have to adjust. It’s about using a tool designed by business teams and conceptualized by technical teams. It’s a tailor-made tool, because we’re in the best position to know what users need in terms of information, and what professionals need in terms of processing tools.
Bruno Lombardo also insists on the need to anticipate organizational changes to prepare teams for the transformation ahead. “Organization must be a prerequisite for the arrival of a tool. Otherwise, it destabilizes teams.
of people affected by disability in the Nord Department
agents mobilized on a daily basis
active cases per year
This partnership approach also makes it possible to check with users whether they understand and use the portal, so as to provide a tool that is accessible to as many people as possible. “The aim is for 100% of people with disabilities to eventually use the portal to access their rights and consult information on our initiatives,” Bruno Lombardo.
According to him, this new operating mode is extremely valued by his teams for producing, “a very high quality portal”. It is also arousing the curiosity of his colleagues. “I’ve been approached by ADMDPH (the association of MDPH directors) to talk about the Public CRM adventure.
An adventure that has only just begun. In addition to the online form that has been making it easier for users to apply for a file since the end of the summer, MDPH59 is continuing its work with Inetum Software to further simplify administrative procedures for the people concerned.
Automating the process of renewing extensions and interconnecting with other systems such as Aide Sociale à l’Enfance (Child Welfare) and RSA(Social Welfare), are just some of the ways in which we are looking to drastically reduce processing times. “By law, we’re supposed to be within four months. With Inetum Software as our editor, we’re hoping to respond within two months, but we’re already imagining responses within 48 hours”, said Bruno Lombardo.
“The aim is that 100% of people with disabilities will eventually use the portal to access their rights and consult information on our actions.”
Bruno Lombardo
Director of Access to Autonomy and MDPH59